UART Modules
MCF52211 ColdFire® Integrated Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2
24-16 Freescale Semiconductor

24.3.13 UART Output Port Command Registers (UOP1n/UOP0n)

The URTSn output can be asserted by writing a 1 to UOP1n[RTS] and negated by writing a 1 to

UOP0n[RTS]. See Figure 24-16.

24.4 Functional Description

This section describes operation of the clock source generator, transmitter, and receiver.

24.4.1 Transmitter/Receiver Clock Source

The internal bus clock serves as the basic timing reference for the clock source generator logic, which

consists of a clock generator and a programmable 16-bit divider dedicated to each UART. The 16-bit

divider is used to produce standard UART baud rates.

Table 24-11. UIPn Field Descriptions
Field Description
7–1 Reserved
Current state of clear-to-send. The UCTSn value is latched and reflects the state of the input pin when UIPn is read.
Note: This bit has the same function and value as UIPCRn[RTS].
0 The current state of the UCTSn input is logic 0.
1 The current state of the UCTSn input is logic 1.
0x00_0238 (UOP10)
0x00_023C (UOP00)
0x00_0278 (UOP11)
0x00_027C (UOP01)
0x00_02B8 (UOP12)
0x00_02BC (UOP02)
Access: User write-only
Figure 24-16. UART Output Port Command Registers (UOP1n/UOP0n)
Table 24-12. UOP1n/UOP0n Field Descriptions
Field Description
7–1 Reserved, must be cleared.
Output port output. Controls assertion (UOP1)/negation (UOP0) of URTSn output.
0 Not affected.
1 Asserts URTSn in UOP1. Negates URTSn in UOP0.