I2C Interface
MCF52211 ColdFire® Integrated Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2
25-8 Freescale Semiconductor

25.2.5 I2C Data I/O Registers (I2DRn)

In master-receive mode, reading the I2DRns allows a read to occur and for the next data byte to be
received. In slave mode, the same function is available after the I2C has received its slave address.

25.3 Functional Description

The I2C module uses a serial data line (SDA) and a serial clock line (SCL) for data transfer. For I2C
compliance, all devices connected to these two signals must have open drain or open collector outputs. The
logic AND function is exercised on both lines with external pull-up resistors.
Out of reset, the I2C default state is as a slave receiver. Therefore, when not programmed to be a master or
responding to a slave transmit address, the I2C module should return to the default slave receiver state. See
Section 25.4.1, “Initialization Sequence,” for exceptions.
Normally , a standard communication is composed of four parts: ST AR T signal, slave address transmission,
data transfer, and ST OP signal. These ar e discussed in the following sections.

25.3.1 START Signal

When no other device is bus master (SCL and SDA lines are at logic high), a device can initiate
communication by sending a START signal (see A in Figure 25-7). A START signal is defined as a
high-to-low transition of SDA while SCL is high. This signal denotes the beginning of a data transfer (each
data transfer can be several bytes long) and awakens all slaves.
0x0310 (I2DR0)
0x0390 (I2DR1)
Access: User read/write
Figure 25-6. I2DRn Registers
Table 25-6. I2DRn Field Description
Field Description
I2C data. When data is written to this register in master transmit mode, a data transfer is initiated. The most significant
bit is sent first. In master receive mode, reading this register initiates the reception of the next byte of data. In slave
mode, the same functions are available after an address match has occurred.
Note: In master transmit mode, the first byte of data written to I2DR following assertion of I2CR[MSTA] is used for
the address transfer and should comprise the calling address (in position D7–D1) concatenated with the
required R/W bit (in position D0). This bit (D0) is not automatically appended by the hardware, software must
provide the appropriate R/W bit.
Note: I2CR[MSTA] generates a start when a master does not already own the bus. I2CR[RSTA] generates a start
(restart) without the master first issuing a stop (i.e., the master already owns the bus). To start the read of data,
a dummy read to this register starts the read process from the slave. The next read of the I2DR register
contains the actual data.