Debug Module
MCF52211 ColdFire® Integrated Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2
28-22 Freescale Semiconductor Transmit Packet Format

The basic transmit packet consists of 16 data bits and 1 reserved bit.

28.5.3 BDM Command Set

Table 28-20 summarizes the BDM command set. Subsequent paragraphs contain detailed descriptions of

each command. Issuing a BDM command when the processor is accessing debug module registers using

the WDEBUG instruction causes undefined behavior. See Table 28-22 for register address encodings.

Table 28-18. Receive BDM Packet Field Description
Field Description
Status. Indicates the status of CPU-generated messages listed below. The not-ready response can be ignored
unless a memory-referencing cycle is in progress. Otherwise, the debug module can accept a new serial transfer
after 32 processor clock periods.
Data. Contains the message to be sent from the debug module to the development system. The response message
is always a single word, with the data field encoded as shown above.
16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Figure 28-15. Transmit BDM Packet
Table 28-19. Transmit BDM Packet Field Description
Field Description
16 Reserved, must be cleared.
Data bits 15–0. Contains the data to be sent from the development system to the debug module.
S Data Message
0 xxxx Valid data transfer
0 FFFF Status OK
1 0000 Not ready with response; come again
1 0001 Error–Terminated bus cycle; data invalid
1 FFFF Illegal Command