Shooting Mode


In this mode, you choose both shutter speed and aperture. If desired, exposure can be altered from the value suggested by the camera.

1 Rotate the mode dial to M.

2Press the dbutton. Shutter speed and aperture will be displayed.


N 9


ISO AUTO (800)

Shutter speed

SET 250F3.5


3 Press the selector up or down to choose the shutter speed.


Smear may occur at shutter speeds faster than

1/1000 s. Noise in the form of randomly-spaced bright pixels may occur in long exposures.

4 Press the selector left or right to choose the aperture.

5Take pictures.

The Exposure Indicator

The amount the picture will be under- or over-exposed at current settings is shown by the exposure indicator. Pictures taken with the indicator to the left of center (“–“) will be underexposed, pictures taken with the indicator is to the right of center (“+”), over- exposed.


N 9


ISO AUTO (800)

SET 250F3.5

Underexposed Overexposed

Exposure indicator

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