Viewing Pictures on a Computer


Use only memory cards that have been formatted in the camera and contain pictures taken with the camera. If a memory card containing a large num- ber of images is inserted, there may be a delay before FinePixViewer starts and FinePixViewer may be un- able to import or save images. Use a memory card reader to transfer pictures.

Make sure the indicator lamp is out before turning the camera off or disconnecting the USB cable. Failure to observe this precaution could result in loss of data or damage to internal memory or the memory card.

Disconnect the camera before inserting or removing memory cards.

Use FinePixViewer to copy voice memos.

FinePixViewer can not be used to edit MPEG-4 mov- ies.

In some cases, it may not be possible to access pic- tures saved to a network server using FinePixViewer in the same way as on a standalone computer.

The user bears all applicable fees charged by the phone company or Internet service provider when using services that require an Internet connection.

Disconnecting the Camera

After confi rming that the indicator lamp is out, follow the on-screen instructions to turn the camera off and disconnect the USB cable.

Uninstalling FinePixViewer


Only uninstall FinePixViewer before reinstalling the


softwareorwhenitisnolongerrequired. Afterquitting


FinePixViewer and disconnecting the camera, drag


the “FinePixViewer” folder from “Applications” into the


Trash and select Empty Trash in the Finder menu


(Macintosh), or open the control panel and use “Pro-


grams and Features” (Windows Vista) or “Add/Remove


Programs” (other versions of Windows) to uninstall


FinePixViewer, FinePix Resource, and FinePix Studio.


Under Windows, one or more confi rmation dialogs


may be displayed; read the contents carefully before


clicking OK.
