L i f e B o o k N 6 4 0 0 S e r i e s U s e r ’ s G u i d e
•If you have your display set to 256 colors, the basic display will appear no matter which one you select. You will need to set your display colors to more than 256 in order to select other display appearances.
•When you close the media player’s desktop control panel, it will stop the audio media player. Press the Play button if you would like to continue listening, and the media player will restart at track 1.
Disabling/Enabling the LifeBook Application Panel
To disable the Application Panel in a Windows XP envi- ronment, follow these easy steps:
Performing the following steps disables the LifeBook Application Panel buttons only when playing CD’s; DVD’s can still be run with the LifeBook Application Panel. Even when the buttons are dis- abled, discs can still be run using the Desktop Control Panel.
1.Click on Start.
2.Click on All Programs.
3.Click on LifeBook Application Panel.
4.Click on Stop Application Panel.
To reactivate, follow the same procedure, except for step
4.Click on Start Application Panel instead.
Every time you start Windows, the Life- Book Application Panel is activated, even if you deactivated it before you shut down.