L i f e B o o k N 6 4 0 0 S e r i e s U s e r ’ s G u i d e
Operating System Options
Depending upon your system, one of the following operating system configurations will be installed:
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Edition
With Microsoft Works 8.5 and Microsoft Office 60- day trial (Small Business Edition 2003)
Microsoft Windows Vista Home Premium Edition
With Microsoft Works 8.5 and Microsoft Office (Home and Student Edition 2007)
Microsoft Windows Vista Business Edition
With Microsoft Works 8.5 and Microsoft Office 60- day trial (Small Business Edition 2007)
■Microsoft Works 8.5
Microsoft Works 8.5 is a software suite containing the basic tools to write letters and reports, track family and friends with address books, manage home finances, and create a home inventory.
■Microsoft Office Home and Student Edition 2007
(Optional with Microsoft Windows Vista Home Premium Edition) Microsoft Office Home and Student 2007 is
■Office Microsoft Small Business Edition 2007
(Optional with Microsoft Windows Vista Business Edition) Microsoft Office 2007 Small Business Edition is