xvi SPARC Enterprise T5440 Server Service Manual • June 2011
Note – Product Notes are available on the website only. Please check for the recent
update on your product.
UNIX CommandsThis document might not contain information on basic UNIX® commands and
procedures such as shutting down the system, booting the system, and configuring
devices. Refer to the following for this information:
■Software documentation that you received with your system
■Sun Oracle software-related manuals (Oracle Solaris OS, and so on):
Integrated Lights Out Manager
3.0 SNMP and IPMI Procedure
Information and procedures for accessing
ILOM 3.0 functions using SNMP or IPMI
management hosts
Integrated Lights Out Manager
3.x Feature Updates and Release
Enhancements that have been made to
ILOM firmware since the ILOM 3.0 release
Integrated Lights Out Manager
3.0 Supplement for SPARC
Enterprise T5440 Server
How to use the ILOM 3.0 software on the
External I/O Expansion Unit
Installation and Service Manual
Procedures for installing the External I/O
Expansion Unit on the SPARC Enterprise
T5120/T5140/T5220/T5240/T5440 servers
External I/O Expansion Unit
Product Notes
Important and late-breaking information
about the External I/O Expansion Unit
Title Description Manual Code