Servicing Customer-Replaceable Units 77
Caution – You must use hard drives designed for this server, which have a vented
front panel to allow adequate airflow to internal system components. Installing
inappropriate hard drives could result in an overtemperature condition.
The following situations inhibit your ability to hot-plug a drive:
■If the hard drive contains the operating system, and the operating system is not
mirrored on another drive.
■If the hard drive cannot be logically isolated from the online operations of the
If your drive falls into one of these conditions, you must power off the server before
you replace the hard drive.
Related Information
■“Identifying Server Components” on page1
■“Managing Faults” on page11
■“Powering Off the System” on page67
■“Hot-Pluggable and Hot-Swappable Devices” on page75
■“Hard Drive Device Identifiers” on page83
■“Hard Drive LEDs” on page84
■“Server Components” on page177
▼ Remove a Hard Drive (Hot-Plug)Removing a hard drive from the server is a three-step process. You must first identify
the drive you want to remove, unconfigure that drive from the server, and then
manually remove the drive from the chassis.
Note – See “Hard Drive Device Identifiers” on page83 for inform ation about
identifying hard drives.
Before you begin, complete these tasks:
■Read the section, “Safety Information” on page 63.