Warranty Service
As the owner of a Honda product,
your servicingdealer may ask you to
authorizean inspection. If the
problemis covered under warranty,
your dealerwill perf orm any
warranty repairs for you at no cost.
However,you may be responsiblef or
additionalnon-warranty charges.
If you have questions about warranty
coverageor the nature of the repair,it
is best to talk to the service manager
of your Honda dealer.
Sometimes, in spite of the best
intentionsof all concerned,a
misunderstandingmay occur. If you
aren’tsatisf iedwith your dealer’s
handling of the situation, we suggest
you discussyour problem with the
appropriate member of the
dealership’smanagement team. If the
problem has already been reviewed
with the appropriatemanager of the
Service, Parts, or Sales department,
contact the owner of the dealership or
their designated representative.
Please remember that recommended
maintenanceinterval servicing is not
includedin your warranty coverage.
Additionally,your warranty does not
apply tothe normal wear of items
(suchas spark plug(s), water pump,
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