Carbon Monoxide HazardRefuel With Care

Gasoline is extremely flammable,
and gasolinevapor can explode.
Refuel outdoors, in a well-
ventilated area, with the engine
stopped.Never smoke near
gasoline, and keep other flames
and sparksaway.
Refuel carefully to avoid spilling
fuel. Avoid overfilling the fuel
After refueling, tighten the filler
cap securely. If any fuel is spilled,
make sure the area is dry before
startingthe engine.
Exhaustcontains poisonous carbon
monoxide,a colorless, odorless gas.
Breathingcarbon monoxide can
causeloss of consciousnessand may
lead to death.
If you run the engine in an areathat
is confined, or even partly enclosed,
the airyou breathe could contain a
dangerousamount of exhaustgas.
Neverrun your outboard inside a
garageor other enclosure.
11/03/03 17:04:36 31ZW6620_008