‘‘ ’’
Disclaimer of consequential damage and limitation of
implied warranties:
This warrantydoes not extend to the following:
Conditions caused by lack of routine maintenance or
improper storage (as outlined in the Owner’s Manual)
Conditionscaused by the use of propeller(s) that do
not allowthe outboard motor to run in its
recommended full throttle rpm range
Operation inconsistent with the recommended
operation/duty cycle (as outlined in the Owner’s
Partsaf fected or damaged by an abuse,submersion
and/or collision
Normal wear and tear
Fuel contaminationand water entering engine through
the fuel intake, air intakeor exhaust system
Operation with fuels, oils, additives and lubricants
which arenot suitable f or use in the product
Use inan application f orwhich the outboard motor
was not designed, such as racing or competitive use or
any other misuse or neglect
The unauthorizedalteration, improper installation and/
or rigging, or any causes other than defects in material
or workmanship
Incorporation of unsuitable attachments or parts
Corrosionto steering system or electrical components,
corrosiondue to electrolysis, water born foreign
chemicals, improper service or corrosion caused by
damageor abuse
Reimbursementf or towing charges,in and out of
water charges, or technician travel time
Growth of marine organismson outboard motor
surfaces, external or internal
Any product thathas ever been declared a total loss or
sold for salvage by a financial institution or insurer, or
that has been issued a salvage or similar title under
any state s law.
American Honda disclaims any responsibility for loss of
time or use of the outboard, revenue, or the equipment in
which theoutboard is installed, transportation,
commercialloss, or any other incidental or consequential
damage. Any implied warranties are limited to the
duration of this written limited warranty.
Some states do not allow limitations on how long an
impliedwarranty lasts and/or do not allow the exclusion
or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so
the above exclusionsand limitations may not apply to
you. This warrantygives you specif ic legalrights, and
you may alsohave other rights which vary from state to
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