To Qualify for This Warranty:
What AmericanHonda Will Repair or Replace Under
To Obtain Warranty Service:
Contacting Honda
The Honda OutboardMotor must be purchased f rom
AmericanHonda or a dealer authorized by American
Honda to sellHonda Outboard Motors in the United
States,Puerto Rico, or the U.S. Virgin Islands. This
limited warranty applies to the first retail purchaser and
each subsequent owner during the applicable warranty
time period.
American Honda will repair or replace, at its option, any
part that is proven to be defective in material or
workmanshipunder normal use during the applicable
warranty time period. Warranty repairs and replacements
will be madewithout charge f or partsor labor. Anything
replaced under warranty becomes the property of
AmericanHonda Motor Company, Inc.
All parts replaced under warranty will beconsidered as
partof the originalproduct and any warranty on those
partswill expire coincidentally with the original product
You must, atyour expense,take your Honda Outboard
Motorand proof of the original purchase dateto any
dealerwho is authorized to service Honda Outboard
Motors in the United States, Puerto Rico, or the U.S.
Virgin Islands,during the dealer’s normal business hours.
If you are unable to obtainwarranty service, or are
dissatisfied with the warranty service you receive, take
the following steps: First, contact the owner of the
dealershipinvolved; normally this should resolve the
problem.However, if youshould require further
assistance,write or call the Honda Marine Customer
Relations.Please see on page 71 .
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