Contacting Honda
As the outboardengine owner, you are responsible for
the performance of the required maintenance listed in
your owner’smanual. American Honda Motor Co., Inc.
recommends that you retain all receipts covering
maintenanceon your outboard engine, but American
Honda MotorCo., Inc. cannot deny warranty solely for
the lack of receipts or for your failure to ensure the
performance of all scheduled maintenance.
As the outboardengine owner, you should, however, be
awarethat American Honda Motor Co., Inc. may deny
you warrantycoverage if your outboard engineor a part
has failed due to abuse, neglect,improper maintenance,
or unapprovedmodif ications.
You areresponsible f orpresenting your outboard engine
to a Honda Marinedealer as soon as a problem exists.
The warrantyrepair should be completed in a reasonable
amount of time, not to exceed 30 days.
If you have any questions regardingyour warranty rights
and responsibilities, you should contact American Honda
Motor Co., Inc.,Marine Division Customer Relations
Office. Please see page 71 .
Honda outboardengines certified to the CARB and EPA
2010 regulationsare covered by this warranty for a
minimumof five years or 250 hours of operation,
whichevercomes f irst,or the length of the Honda Marine
Distributor’s Limited warranty, whichever is longer from
the date of delivery to the retail purchaser. This warranty
is transferred to each subsequent purchaser for the
durationof the warranty period.
Warrantyrepairs will be made without charge for
diagnosis, parts and labor. All defective parts replaced
under thiswarranty become the property of American
Honda Motor Co., Inc.A list of warranty partsis on page
82 . Normalmaintenance items, such as spark plugs and
filters, that are on the warranted parts list are warranted
up to their required replacement interval only.
AmericanHonda Motor Co., Inc. is also liable for
damagesto other engine components caused by a failure
of any warranted part duringthe warranty period.
Only Honda approved replacement parts willbe used in
the performance of any warranty repairs and they will be
providedwithout charge to the owner. The use of
replacement parts not equivalent to the original parts may
impairthe ef fectiveness of your engine’s emission
control system. If such a replacement part is used in the
repairor maintenance of your engine, and an authorized
Honda Marinedealer determines it is defective or causes
a failure of a warranted part, your claim for your engine
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