Use unleaded gasoline with a pump
octanerating of 86 or higher.
Your outboard motoris certif iedto
operateon unleaded gasoline with an
octanerating of 86or higher.
Never use stale or contaminated
gasoline or an oil/gasoline mixture.
Avoid getting dirt or water in the fuel
You may useunleaded gasoline
containingno more than 10% ethanol
(E10) or 5% methanolby volume. In
addition,methanol must contain
cosolvents and corrosion inhibitors.
Use of fuelswith content of ethanol
or methanolgreater than shown
above maycause starting and/or
performance problems.It may also
damagemetal, rubber, and plastic
partsof the fuel system.
Engine damageor perf ormance
problemsthat result from using a f uel
with percentagesof ethanolor
methanolgreater than shown above
arenot covered under warranty.
If your outboard motor will be used
on an infrequent or intermittent basis,
please refer to the fuel section of th e
STORAGE chapter (p. ) for
additionalinf ormationregarding f uel
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