STORAGEDistributor’sLimited W arranty
Depending on the region where you
operate your outboard, fuel
formulations may deteriorate and
oxidize rapidly. Fueld eterioration
and oxidation can occur in aslittle
as 15 days and may cause damage to
the carburetor and fuel system.
Please check with your servicing
dealer for local storage
Properstorage preparation is
essentialf or keepingyour outboard
motor trouble-freeand looking good.
The following steps will help to keep
rust and corrosion from impairing
your outboardmotor’s f unctionand
appearance, and will make the engine
easierto start when you use the
outboardmotor again.
Washthe outside of the outboard
motor with clean, fresh water to
remove mud, salt, seaweed, etc.
You can extend fuel storage life by
adding a gasoline stabilizer that is
formulated for that purpose, or you
can avoid fuel deterioration problems
by drainingall the f uel from the fuel
tank andcarburetor.
Gasoline will oxidize and deteriorate
in storage. Deteriorated gasoline will
cause hard starting, and it leaves gum
depositsthat clog the f uelsystem. If
the gasolinein your f uel tank and
carburetordeteriorates during storage,
you may needto have the carburetor
and otherf uel system components
serviced or replaced.Touch up any damagedpaint, and
coatareas that may rust with Honda
CorrosionInhibitor, or equivalent.
Lubricate controls with a silicone
(p. ) does not coverf uel system
damageor engine perf ormance
problems resulting from neglected
Thoroughly cleanthe outboard motor
with fresh water after operation in
dirty water or salt water.
The length of time that gasoline can
be left in your fuel tank and
carburetorwithout causing functional
problemswill vary with such factors
as gasolineblend, your storage
temperatures, and whether the fuel
tank is partially or completely filled.
The air in a partially filled fuel tank
promotesf uel deterioration.Very
warm storage temperatures accelerate
fuel deterioration.Fuel deterioration
problems may occur in less than 15
days,if the gasoline was not fresh
when you filled the fuel tank.
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