INTRODUCTIONCongratulationson your selection of
a Honda outboardmotor. We are
certainyou will be pleased with your
purchaseof one of the finest
outboardmotors on the market.
We wantto help you get the best
resultsf rom your new outboard
motor and to operate it safely. This
manualcontains inf ormationon how
to do that; please read it carefully.
When your outboardmotor needs
scheduled maintenance, keep in mind
that your Honda Marinedealer is
speciallytrained in servicing Honda
outboardmotors. Your Honda
Marinedealer is dedicated to your
satisfaction and will be pleased to
answeryour questions and concerns.
Best Wishes,
Honda Motor Co., Ltd.
As you readthis manual you will
find information preceded by a
symbol.That inf ormation
is intendedto help you avoid damage
to your outboardmotor, other
property,or the environment.
We suggestyou read the warranty
policyto f ully understandits
coverage and your responsibilities of
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