Operator Responsibility
OUTBOARD MOTOR SAFETYIt is the operator’s responsibility to
providethe necessary safeguards
to protectpeople and property.
Know how to stop theengine
quickly in case of emergency.
Understandthe use of all controls.
Attach the emergency stop switch
lanyard securely to the operator.
Stop the engine immediately if
anyone falls overboard,and do not
run the enginewhile the boat is
nearanyone in the water.
Always stopthe engine if you
mustleave the controls for any
Always weara PFD (Personal
Flotation Device) while on the
Familiarize yourself with all laws
and regulations relating to boating
and the useof outboard motors.
Be sure thatanyone who operates
the outboard motor receives proper
Be sure theoutboard motor is
properlymounted on the boat.
Do not remove theengine cover
whilethe engine is running.
Most injuries or property damage can
be preventedif you follow all
instructions in this manual and on the
outboardmotor. The most common
hazards are discussed in this chapter,
along with the best way to protect
yourself and others.
The Honda BF2D outboard motoris
designedf or use with boatsthat have
a suitablemanuf acturer’spower
recommendation.Other uses can
result in injury to the operator or
damageto the outboard motor and
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