File Viewers

The following applications are included:


Office 2003 Excel Viewer

Office 2003 PowerPoint Viewer

Office 2003 Word Viewer

Note: The viewer applications allow viewing documents, but not editing them.

Microsoft WordPad

Start > Programs > Microsoft WordPad

Create and edit documents and templates in WordPad, using buttons and menu commands that are similar to those used in the desktop PC version of Microsoft WordPad.

By default WordPad files are saved as .PWD files. Documents can be saved in other formats e.g., .RTF or .DOC.

Tap the ? button to access WordPad Help.

Remote Desktop Connection

Start > Programs > Remote Desktop

There are few changes in the Windows CE version of Remote Desktop as it relates to the general desktop Windows PC Microsoft Remote Desktop options.

If installed, Remote Desktop on the Thor VM2 can be accessed by Start > Programs > Remote Desktop.

Select a computer from the drop down list or enter a host name and tap the Connect button.

Tap the Options >> button to access the General, Display, Local Resources, Programs and Experience tabs. Tap the ? button to access Remote Desktop Connection Help.


Start > Settings

The Settings menu option may include the following:

Control Panel (page 5-15)

All control panels

Network and Dialup

Shortcut to control panel. Connect to a network, create a new connection, and adjust pa-

Connections (page 5-71)

rameters for client connections.

Taskbar (page 5-11)

Set Taskbar parameters


To make changes to the Transcriber application, tap the keyboard icon in the status bar. Select Transcriber from the pop-up menu. Then open the Input control panel and tap the Options button. Transcriber Options (Start > Settings > Control Panel > Input Panel) are available only when Transcriber is selected as the active input method. Tap the “?” button or the Help button to access Transcriber Help.

Windows Explorer

Start > Programs > Windows Explorer

There are a few changes in the Windows CE version of Windows Explorer as it relates to the general desktop PC Windows Explorer options. Tap the “?” button to access Windows Explorer Help.

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