Keyboard LEDs

The keyboard LEDs are located near the specified key.

Blue LED

LED Behavior




Solid Blue

• Indicates the Blue modifier key is active


• Pressing the Blue key a second time exits this modifier mode and turns off the LED


• Pressing the Orange key exits the Blue mode and turns off the Blue LED


• If no key other key is pressed within five seconds, the Blue key times out and turns off the




• When Blue mode is active, keys P1 through P4 provide volume and brightness adjustment






Blue mode is not invoked



Orange LED

LED Behavior




Solid Orange

• Indicates the Orange modifier key is active. Orange mode is invoked for the next keypress




• Pressing the Orange key a second time exits this modifier mode and turns off the LED


• Pressing the Blue key exits the Orange mode and turns off the Orange LED




Orange mode is not invoked.



Programmable LED

The Programmable LED is available for user applications. The LED defaults to Off unless activated by user applica-


LED Behavior




Controlled by application

Refer to application developer for LED behavior details.




Default mode. Refer to application developer for LED behavior details.



The LED behavior is controlled by the NLedDriverSetDevice API.

Please refer to the CE API Programming Guide for API details.


The display is a thin-film transistor display capable of supporting WSVGA graphics modes. Display size is 1024x768 pixels. The display covering is designed to resist stains. The touch screen allows signature capture and touch input. The display supports screen blanking to eliminate driver distraction when the vehicle is in motion.

Touch Screen

The touch screen is a Resistive Panel with a scratch resistant finish that can detect touches by a stylus, and translate them into computer commands. In effect, it simulates a computer mouse. Only Delrin or plastic styluses should be used. A right mouse click is simulated by touching and holding the screen for the appropriate time interval.

When a dialog box is too large for the display, tap and drag the dialog box up or down or from side to side to view the remainder of the dialog box.

Always use the point of the stylus for tapping or making strokes on the display. Never use an actual pen, pencil, sharp or abrasive object to write on the touch screen.

An extra or replacement stylus may be ordered.

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