Power ControlsPower Switch

After all cables are connected, the Thor VM2 can be powered on.

There is a power switch located on the back of the Quick Mount Smart Dock. The power switch is a rocker switch.

The power switch has a raised bump to identify the switch position even when it is hidden from view. When the side of the switch with the raised bump is pressed, the power switch is On. If the dock is connected to external power, the dock delivers power to the Thor VM2.

Generally, once the dock is powered On, there is no need to power it off. The dock power can remain On even when the Thor VM2 is not attached.

Power Button

The power button is located at the lower left of the Thor VM2.

If the Thor VM2 is Off, pressing the power button starts the power up sequence.

Note: This assumes that the Thor VM2 is docked in a powered Quick Mount Smart Dock or that the internal UPS battery has a sufficient charge to power the Thor VM2. If no external power is available and the UPS battery does not have a charge, pressing the power button causes no action.

If the Thor VM2 is On, pressing the power button places the unit in






Power Configuration Mode

The Power Configuration Mode control panel is used to select desired power configuration behavior.

Please refer to the Power Configuration Mode (page 5-80)control panel for complete details.

For information on the Ignition input signal see Vehicle 10-60VDC Direct Power Connection (page 4-34)and Auto-On Control Wiring Diagram (page 4-37).


The Thor VM2 is powered on manually. Due to the presence of external power, longer default power management timeouts are used.

Ignition Control

The Thor VM2 is configured to power on when the vehicle ignition is switched on. When the vehicle ignition is on, longer default power management timeouts are used. If the vehicle ignition is turned off, shorter default power management timeouts are used.


The Thor VM2 is designed to power on whenever external power is attached. Due to the presence of external power, longer default power management timeouts are used.

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