
Printer specifications

Environmental specifications

Operating environment

Printer plugged into an AC outlet:


Temperature: 10 ° C to 32.5 ° C (50 ° F to 90.5 ° F)


Humidity: 20%–80% (no condensation)



Storage environment

Printer unplugged from an AC outlet:


Temperature: 0 °C to 40 ° C (32 ° F to 104 ° F)


Humidity: 10%–90% (no condensation)







Noise level

During printing: 6.1 Bels sound power level


(per ISO 9296)(HP LaserJet 1100 tested at 8 ppm)


Sound pressure level (bystander position): 46 dB


Sound pressure level (operator position): 55 dB


During standby and sleep mode: silent



Electrical specifications




Power requirements

100-120v (+/-10%), 50/60 Hz (+/-2); 127v, 60Hz NOM




220v (+/-10%), 50/60 Hz (+/-2 Hz)


220-240v (+/-10%), 50 Hz (+/-2 Hz)



Power consumption

During printing: 170 watts (average)


During standby and power save: 6 watts



Minimum recommended circuit

4.5A @ 115v; 2.3A @ 230v



132 Appendix A Printer specifications