Power Cord StatementSafety Information

The power cord cannot be repaired. If it is defective, it should be discarded or returned to the supplier.

LEDs ClassificationEnergy Consumption

Energy Star is a US registered service mark of United States Environmental Protection Agency.

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Always follow basic safety precautions when using this product to reduce risk of injury from fire or electric shock.

1Read and understand all instructions in the User’s Guide.

2Use only a grounded electrical outlet when connecting this product to a power source. If you do not know whether the outlet is grounded, check with a qualified electrician.

3Observe all warnings and instructions marked on the product.

4Unplug this product from wall outlets before cleaning.

5Do not install or use this product near water, or when you are wet.

6Install the product securely on a stable surface.

7Install the product in a protected location where no one can step on or trip over the line cord, and the line cord will not be damaged.

8If the product does not operate normally, see “Troubleshooting” section in the User’s Guide.