Windows Explorer A file management programme that lets you see the hierarchy of folders on your computer and all the files and subfolders in each folder. Visual- ising the hierarchy is useful for copying and moving files. You can open the folder that contains the file you want to move or copy, click and drag the file to a new folder, and then drop it in. To find Windows Explorer, click the Start button, and point to Programmes. You can create a shortcut to Windows Explorer.

Windows taskbar The grey bar running along the bottom of the screen when your computer completes start-up. The Start button is on the left side of the taskbar, and the systray (a tray with icons and the computer clock) is on the right. Pro- grammes that are running, but minimised into icons, are displayed in the middle of the taskbar.

wizard Part of a programme that guides you through a complex process, such as signing up with an Internet service pro- vider or posting a Web site to a server.

Most programmes on CD-ROMs have wizards to guide you through the installa- tion process.

World Wide Web A system of Internet servers that support documents formatted in HTML. See HTML.


zipped file A file that has been squeezed to a smaller size by compression software, such as WinZip. An archive (group of related files that are zipped together) can be transmitted as an e-mail attachment much faster than individual files. An archive takes up less storage space on your disk. It can be identified by the file exten- sion .zip. An archive contains a self- extracting programme with the file exten- sion .exe (for executable). Double-click the executable file, and a wizard guides you through the process of unzipping the files. See wizard.





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