

DATA, 11–5 Data

bits, 3–8 level, 4–4 mode, 2–3

types, 1–13 to 1–14

Data Carrier Detect (DCD), 3–5 DATA command/query, 11–5 Data Communications Equipment,

see DCE

Data Set Ready (DSR), 3–5 Data Terminal Equipment, 3–3 Data Terminal Ready (DTR), 3–5 DCE, 3–3

DCL, 2–6

DDE, 7–5

Decimal numbers, 1–13 Definite-length block response data, 1–21 DELete, 13–6

Device address, 1–7 HP-IB, 2–4 LAN, 4–3 RS-232-C, 3–9

Device clear, 2–6

Device dependent errors, 8–3 Documentation conventions, 5–5 DOWNload, 12–11

DRIVe, 14–9

DSP, 11–6

DTE, 3–3

Duplicate keywords, 1–10


Ellipsis, 5–5

Embedded strings, 1–3, 1–7 Enter statement, 1–3 EOI, 10–13

ERRor, 11–7

Error messages, 8–2 ESB, 7–4

Event Status Register, 7–4 Examples

BASIC program, 1–19, 12–24, 15–2 C program, 4–9, 4–11

RS-232 cables, 3–6 telnet, 4–12

EXE, 7–5

Execution, 6–3

errors, 8–4 Exponents, 1–13, 6–9 Extended interface, 3–5 External trigger, 13–12


File type numbers, 12–12

Fractional values, 1–14


Group execute trigger (GET), 2–6 Group Run, 13–8

See also Intermodule


HEADer, 1–17, 11–8 Headers, 1–7, 1–9, 1–12 Hexadecimal numbers, 1–13 Host language, 1–7 HP-IB, 2–2 to 2–3, 7–8

address, 2–3 commands, 7–13 device address, 2–4 interface, 2–2 to 2–4

HTIMe, 13–7


IEEE 488.1, 2–2, 6–2 bus commands, 2–6

IEEE 488.2, 6–2 IFC, 2–6 Infinity, 5–4 Initialization, 1–4 INITialize, 12–14 INPort, 13–8 Input buffer, 6–3 INSert, 13–9 Instructions, 1–6

headers, 1–7 parameters, 1–8 syntax, 1–6 terminator, 1–8

Instrument address, 2–4 Integers, 1–14 Interface capabilities, 2–3

RS-232-C, 3–8

Interface clear, 2–6 Interface select code

HP-IB, 2–4 RS-232-C, 3–9

Intermodule menu, 13–2 delete module, 13–6 group run, 13–8

INTermodule subsystem, 13–2 Internal errors, 8–4


Keyword data, 1–14

Keywords, 5–3


Labels, 1–14

LAN connections, 4–3 control vs data, 4–4 mount, 4–4

net use, 4–4 socket, 4–11 telnet, 4–5, 4–12

LASTstate, 14–10 LCL, 7–6

LER, 10–13 Linefeed, 1–8, 5–5 LOAD:CONFig, 12–15 LOAD:IASSembler, 12–16 Local, 2–5

Local lockout, 2–5

LOCKout command, 3–10, 10–14 Longform, 1–12

LONGform command, 1–17, 11–9 Lowercase, 1–12


Magic numbers, 12–12 Mainframe commands, 10–2 MAV, 7–4

Measurement complete program, 15–6 Measurement unavailable, 5–4 MENU, 10–15

MESE, 10–16

MESR, 10–18

MKDir, 12–17

MMEMory subsystem, 12–2 Mnemonics, 1–14, 5–3 Module ID numbers, 12–12


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HP Sander 16500C manual Index-2