Table 3



Where to Find More








Performance Manager provides

Viewing Performance Data


detailed performance

on page 491


management capabilities



enabling you to visualize what


Performance Manager

you have and how it is









Capacity Manager provides a

Finding an Element’s Storage


graphical representation of an

Capacity” on page 515


element's storage capacity and



utilization in the storage


Capacity Manager







Events Manager keeps you

Event Management” on


informed of what is happening

page 409


with your managed elements.



Its filter and report format


Event Manager

allows you to view, clear, and



sort the events you are



interested in easily.






Provisioning Manager make

Provisioning Manager” on


your SAN-zoning tasks and

page 297


storage management tasks a



snap. The format minimizes


Provisioning Manager

errors by giving you


easy-to-follow instructions and





step-by-step screens.






Chargeback Manager helps

Chargeback Manager” on


you manage departmental

page 553


ownership, track costs and


Chargeback Manager

assemble business reports


making inquires, such as audits



and inventory reviews, easier.






Business Tools helps you

Business Tools” on page 593


manage the business aspect of



your network. You can use


Business Tools

Advisors to retrieve important


network information, and



Automators to automate tasks.





10 Overview