The report template is displayed. You will not see any data reported, only placeholders, as shown in the following figure.

Figure 75 Report Template Displayed

11.To view the report with its data, click the View tab.

12.The database for the management server must be running on the management server to be able to view active data in the report. Verify that the OracleOraHome92TNSListener service is running on the management server.

If you do not see any text, verify that the management server has collected this data. See which tables in your custom report map to pre-existing reports. Use the table in About Creating Custom Reports” on page 443 as a guideline. Then, access Reporting on the management server and verify the corresponding reports are displaying information.

If you are running Report Designer remotely from the management server and you cannot view active data in your reports even with the Oracle database running, verify you did the following when you installed Report Designer.

Save classes12.jar from the management server on your computer and pointed this file in the class path when you installed Report Designer. If so, the file is listed in [Report Designer installation directory]\jreport.bat.

Verify the connection information for the catalog is correct. Open the catalog and expand the Connection node. Verify the IP address/DNS name listed is correct.

If you are still having problems, verify the network from your computer to the management server is stable. Try accessing the management server console from your computer as a test.

13.If you want to view live data in your custom reports, the management server does not need to be running; however, the Oracle database for the management server does need to be running.

14.Click File > Save Template to save the report.

Storage Essentials 5.00.01 User Guide 453