Table 127 Host Monitoring Support
Host Configuration | Monitoring Supported? |
Solaris 8,9 | Y |
Solaris 8,9 VXVM | Y |
Solaris 8,9 VXVM dmp | Y |
Solaris 8,9 PowerPath | Y |
Solaris 8,9 HDLM | N |
Solaris 8,9 RDAC | N |
Solaris 8,9 Sun Foundation Suite Leadville | Y |
Solaris 8,9 DAS | N |
Solaris 8,9 Sun Foundation Suite Leadville + MPXIO | N |
Solaris 8,9 Solstice Disksuite/Volume Manager | Y |
Solaris 8,9 Sun Foundation Suite Leadville + MPXIO + | N |
Solstice Disksuite/Volume Manager |
Windows NT 4 | N |
Windows 2000 | Y |
Windows 2000 PowerPath | N |
Windows 2000 HDLM | N |
Windows 2000 RDAC | N |
Windows 2000 DAS | N |
Windows 2000 Volume Manager | N |
Windows 2000 Volume Manager and PowerPath | N |
Windows 2000 Volume Manager and HDLM | N |
SGI ProPack 3.0 | Y |
SGI ProPack 3.0 XVM | Y |
SGI ProPack 3.0 CXFS | Y (only on node sending I/O) |
AIX 5.1, 5.2 with LVM | Y |
AIX 5.1 with PowerPath | Y |
AIX 5.1 with HDLM | Y |
Storage Essentials 5.00.01 User Guide 511