installation and user information
updating software
updating software
maintain current graphics patches
To fully take advantage of your hp visualization center sv6 systems, be sure to update them with the latest graphics software enhancements available. New sv6 software can be downloaded from http://h20000.www2.hp.com. Click on the following links: download drivers & software
hp scalable computing - UNIX hp visualization center sv6
This software package contains graphics software updates specifically designed for hp scalable visualization sv6 workstations. It will update your current X server and OpenGL software.
how to determine your current version
As root, enter these commands:
swlist grep ‘SV6 Core Update’
what /opt/graphics/OpenGL/lib/libGL.1
The output will look like this:
# swlist grep 'SV6 Core Update'
Sv6_Enhancements B.11.00.05 HP Visualization Center SV6 Core Update
#what /opt/graphics/OpenGL/lib/libGL.1 /opt/graphics/OpenGL/lib/libGL.1:
OpenGL 1.1 Revision 1.26.1 (ov 0201) on
If you have installed sv6 enhancements software on your system before, skip to step 3 (below).
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