file configuration
#These variables turn on FX10 Scene Antialiasing. For
#applications that do UI in OG (e.g. Icem Surfe) the second
#should be used to limit SCENEAA to only double buffered #visuals.
#If image tearing is noticeable, this will force all FX10's to
#wait for vertical retrace before buffer swapping. Setting
#this can cause performance degradation especially in high #frame rate situations.
#By default,
#all VIS Center and sv6 configurations. Setting this variable
#will cause a secondary occlusion cull test to be done
#whenever geometry passes the view frustrum test. This
#typically is only effective for applications that render
#models using an
#Forces a line mode occlusion cull test rather than the
#default filled quad mode test.
—/etc/inittab - Change the init level to init state 4 on the master. Leave the other workstations at the default, init state 2. With these settings, CDE will start up after a reboot.
•/etc/hosts - Update this file on ALL systems if it is changed.
—This file contains hostnames and IP addresses used by the private Gigabit LAN. It also contains a second set of hostnames and IP addresses for the 10/1000 external LAN.
—The 192.168.1.* prefix is the static IP address.
—Gigabit IP addresses are assigned in the same order as the machines are seated in the rack. i.e. the master system, svm, is at the bottom of the rack and is plugged into the
—These IP addresses MUST match the IP in each system’s
/etc/rc.conf.d/netconf file.
—The standard loopback for the Gigabit LAN Ethernet switchbox must also be included.
# @(#)hosts $Revision: $ $Date: 96/10/08 13:20:01 $
88 | Chapter 3 |