
Specifies one or more attributes to display. For more information about attributes, see “Patch-related attributes” (page 29).


Specifies the software source to list. Use this argument as an alternative way to list a depot.


Specifies software objects to be listed.

Applies only if the level is bundle, product, fileset, file, or patch.

Use wildcards [ ], *, ? in the specification of the software_selections if you want to make multiple selections. For example:

A specification of bun[12] selects software bun1 and bun2.

A specification of \* selects all software.

Views the manpages for sd(5) using the command: man 5 sd


Sets the option to specified value.

The default behavior of the swlist command is to show only the latest patches installed on a system. It does not show patches that have been superseded. To list superseded patches, set the show_superseded_patches option to true:

swlist -x show_superseded_patches=true

Specifies multiple -xoptions if needed.

@ target_selections

Specifies the target of the command. You can specify the swlist command operate on a system other than the local host or on a depot. For example, to specify the swlist command operate on the system host1:

swlist @ host1

Operates on the software depot depot1 located in directory some_directory on the local host:

swlist @ /some_directory/depot1

Operates on the depot depot2 located in directory some_directory on the system host1:

swlist @ host1:/some_directory/depot2

For a complete list of swlist arguments, consult the swlist(1M) manpage or the Software Distributor Administration Guide on the HP Business Support Center website at http://www.hp.com/ go/sd-docs.

To filter the output to display only patches, use the -largument in combination with a software selection using the category tag patch:

swlist -llevel *,c=category_tag

For example:

$ swlist -l product *,c=patch


#Contacting target "some_system"...

#Target: some_system:/

PHCO_28848 1.0 Software Distributor Cumulative Patch

PHCO_29010 1.0 shar(1) patch

PHCO_29495 1.0 libc cumulative patch

Which patches are on a system? 23