Standard patch bundles
The find standard patch bundles link on the patch database page provides the find bundles page to help you acquire standard
Custom patch bundles - run a patch assessment
The Patch Assessment Tool allows you to create custom patch bundles specific to an environment. This
the Patch Assessment Tool. For more information, see Chapter 8: “Using
Support information digests
The ITRC provides Subscriber's Choice, the home for digest subscriptions.
Key features
Digest subscriptions allow you to do the following:
•Stay up to date with the latest support information from HP via email.
•Select your areas of interest and receive the appropriate digests from HP.
To access the Subscriber's choice page:
1.Log in to the ITRC at http://itrc.hp.com.
2.Select Patch database.
3.On the right navigation under useful links, select subscribe to patch digests.
Ask your peers in the forums
The ITRC forums are gathering places for IT professionals. You can use the forums to solve problems, exchange ideas, and learn from peers who also use the ITRC. HP engineers might participate in all of these forums to share their advice; however, these forums are intended primarily as a
To access
1.Log in to the ITRC at http://itrc.hp.com.
2.Select Forums from the left navigation.
3.Select HP-UX, and then patches from the HP-UX - categories.
4.From the patches page, you can read previously posted questions and replies, and you can post a question or reply of your own.
Search knowledge base
This functionality allows you to search across the HP knowledge base for answers to your