Ignite-UX Administration Guide

Software Distributor Administration Guide

Support Plus User Guide

Read Before Installing Support Plus

HP websites

HP Home Page

HP-UX 11i features and news

Software Assistant

Dynamic Root Disk


IT Resource Center

HP Software Depot

Software Distributor

System diagnostic and monitoring tools

HP ITRC hp-ux technical documentation forum

HP_UX_Docs Twitter account

Non-HP websites

hpux-admin mailing list

HP-UX Porting and Archive Centre: http://hpux.its.tudelft.nlhttp://hpux.connect.org.uk

Typographic conventions

This document uses the following typographical conventions:

%, $, or #

A percent sign represents the C shell system prompt. A dollar


sign represents the system prompt for the Bourne, Korn, and


POSIX shells. A number sign represents the superuser prompt.


A manpage. The manpage name is audit, and it is located in


Section 5.


A command name or qualified command phrase.

Computer output

Text displayed by the computer.


A key sequence. A sequence such as Ctrl+x indicates that you


must hold down the key labeled Ctrl while you press another


key or mouse button.


The name of an environment variable, for example, PATH.


The name of an error, usually returned in the errno variable.


The name of a keyboard key. Return and Enter both refer to the


same key.


The defined use of an important word or phrase.

User input

Commands and other text that you type.


The name of a placeholder in a command, function, or other


syntax display that you replace with an actual value.


The contents are optional in syntax. If the contents are a list


separated by , you must choose one of the items.


The contents are required in syntax. If the contents are a list


separated by , you must choose one of the items.

92 Support and other resources