User Manual - Configuration Guide (Volume 3)

Chapter 1

Versatile Routing Platform

DDR Configuration

Quidway(config-if-Bri0)# ip address

Quidway(config-if-Bri0)# dialer-group 1

Quidway(config-if-Bri0)# dialer map ip 8810152

IV. Check whether dialer-list is configured correctly

DDR specifies whether to dial and send one packet sent to the dial interface, according to the dialer-list corresponding to the dialer-group configured by the user. If the packet is out of dialer-list range, then DDR will send the packet if the link to send this packet is existing, otherwise DDR discard this packet. That is, DDR will not automatically perform dial connection for packets beyond dialer-list range.

As shown in the following example 1, dialer-list is incorrectly configured as deny IP packet, in this case, DDR will not create call dial connection for IP packet on the corresponding dial port. Example 2 presents the correct configuration.

Example 1: incorrect DDR configuration, dialer-list configuration error (bold-typed part).

Quidway(config)# dialer-list 1 protocol ip deny

Quidway(config)# interface bri 0

Quidway(config-if-Bri0)# ip address

Quidway(config-if-Bri0)# dialer-group 1

Quidway(config-if-Bri0)# dialer map ip 8810152

Example 2: the modified correct DDR configuration (the bold-typed part)

Quidway(config)# dialer-list 1 protocol ip permit

Quidway(config)# interface bri 0

Quidway(config-if-Bri0)# ip address

Quidway(config-if-Bri0)# dialer-group 1

Quidway(config-if-Bri0)# dialer map ip 8810152

V. Check whether the configuration for PPP authentication is correct

Under the Dialer Profile configuration, if the local end requires receiving incoming call, then PPP authentication must be configured at both local and remote end, and at both dialer and physical interface. If the PPP authentication configuration is incorrect, or if the remote name consulted through PPP is different from the remote-name of DDR configuration, there will be no interworking between the two ends. PPP authentication configuration error may be caused by one of the following factors:

zThe user-name is not configured, causing the failure of ppp consulting.

zThe ppp authentication is not configured, so that PPP fails to request name from the remote to be used by DDR.

zThe ppp authentication pap is configured, but there is error in ppp pap sent- username configuration, causing the failure of ppp consulting.

zThe ppp authentication chap is configured, but there is error in ppp chap host configuration, causing the failure of ppp consulting.


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Huawei v200r001 user manual IV. Check whether dialer-list is configured correctly