Chapter 3 BIOS Configuration
NOTE: The specifications of your drive must match with the drive table. The hard disk will not work properly if you enter incorrect information in these fields. If your hard disk drive type is not matched or listed, you can use Type User to define your own drive type manually.
Drive A / Drive B
These fields identify the types of floppy disk drive A or drive B that has been installed in the computer. The available specifications are:
360KB 1.2MB 720KB 1.44MB 2.88MB 5.25 in. 5.25 in. 3.5 in. 3.5 in. 3.5 in.
This field selects the type of video display card installed in your system. You can choose the following video display cards:
| or PGA monitor adapters. (default) |
CGA 40 | Power up in 40 column mode. |
CGA 80 | Power up in 80 column mode. |
MONO | For Hercules or MDA adapters. |
Halt On
This field determines whether the system will halt if an error is detected during power up.
No errors
All errors
All, But Keyboard
All, But Diskette
All, But Disk/Key