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Figure 3a. Memory Organization
In referencing word data the BIU requires one or two memory cycles depending on whether or not the starting byte of the word is on an even or odd ad- dress, respectively. Consequently, in referencing word operands performance can be optimized by lo- cating data on even address boundaries. This is an especially useful technique for using the stack, since odd address references to the stack may adversely affect the context switching time for interrupt pro- cessing or task multiplexing.
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Figure 3b. Reserved Memory Locations
Certain locations in memory are reserved for specific CPU operations (see Figure 3b). Locations from
address FFFF0H through FFFFFH are reserved for operations including a jump to the initial program loading routine. Following RESET, the CPU will al- ways begin execution at location FFFF0H where the jump must be. Locations 00000H through 003FFH are reserved for interrupt operations. Each of the 256 possible interrupt types has its service routine pointed to by a
The requirements for supporting minimum and maxi- mum 8086 systems are sufficiently different that they cannot be done efficiently with 40 uniquely de- fined pins. Consequently, the 8086 is equipped with a strap pin (MN/MX) which defines the system con- figuration. The definition of a certain subset of the pins changes dependent on the condition of the strap pin. When MN/MX pin is strapped to GND, the 8086 treats pins 24 through 31 in maximum mode. An 8288 bus controller interprets status information coded into S0, S2, S2 to generate bus timing and control signals compatible with the MULTIBUS ar- chitecture. When the MN/MX pin is strapped to VCC, the 8086 generates bus control signals itself on pins 24 through 31, as shown in parentheses in Figure 2. Examples of minimum mode and maximum mode systems are shown in Figure 4.
The 8086 has a combined address and data bus commonly referred to as a time multiplexed bus. This technique provides the most efficient use of pins on the processor while permitting the use of a standard
Each processor bus cycle consists of at least four CLK cycles. These are referred to as T1, T2, T3 and T4 (see Figure 5). The address is emitted from the processor during T1 and data transfer occurs on the bus during T3 and T4. T2 is used primarily for chang- ing the direction of the bus during read operations. In the event that a ‘‘NOT READY’’ indication is given by the addressed device, ‘‘Wait’’ states (TW) are in- serted between T3 and T4. Each inserted ‘‘Wait’’ state is of the same duration as a CLK cycle. Periods