To make use of the advance features of SiS 6205, extended graphic and text modes are supported by software application drivers developed by SiS. The following applications are currently supported:
∙ 3D Studio Ver. 3.0
∙ AutoCAD/386 Release 11, 12 ∙ Auto Shade/386 Ver. 2.0
∙ GEM 3.0/Ventura 2.0
∙ Lotus 1-2-3/Symphony Ver. 2.x ∙ MicroSoft Windows 3.1/3.11
∙ MicroSoft Windows NT Ver. 3.5 ∙ MicroSoft Windows 95
∙ OrCad (SDT/VST/PCB) Rel 4
∙ OS/2 Presentation Manager 3.0 ∙ P-CAD Ver. 6.06
∙ VersaCAD/386 Ver. 2.1
∙ Word Perfect 5.x & 6.0
Driver Files
The enclosed SiS 6205 Windows 3.1/3.11 driver contains the following files (in compressed format) :
Setup Programs A group of programs used to setup drivers.
VGA800.DRV 800x60016-color driver
VGA1024.DRV 1024x768 16-color driver
VGA1280.DRV 1280x1024 16-color driver
VGA256.DRV 256-color driver (for all resolution)
VGA32K.DRV 32K-color driver (for all resolution)
VGA64K.DRV 64K-color driver (for all resolution)
VGA16M.DRV 16M-color driver (for all resolution)
VDDSIS.386 Graber file for all resoution and color OEMSETUP.INF OEMSETUP file for setup procedure
OEMSIS.INF Same content as OEMSETUP.INF for setup procedure