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OS/2 And NT Versions of AXXESSORYTalkThere are now two versions of AXXESSORY Talk that
are compatible with the4.3 softwarerelease. One ver-
sionruns under OS/2 and the other runs under Windows
NT Workstation 4.0.
TheOS/2 version has two major changesfrom the pre-
vious release:
•Fax Delivery Report now indicatesfailed deliver-
ies (see page 23)
•Programming Fax-On-Demand Port availability
(see page 33)
The Windows NT version includes several new fea-
•Fax Delivery Report indicates failed deliveries
(see page 23)
•AXXESSORY Talk VisualMail (see page 24)
•Automatic Fax Detection to transferto an exten-
sionnumber or to forward the fax to an E-mailad-
dress (see page 31)
•Programming Fax-On-Demand Port availability
(see page 33)
•Voice Mail Save/Restoreto a Network drive (see
page 34)
NOTE: The AXXESSORY Talk database is compat-
ible in both versions.This means that a customer that
has the OS/2 version can switch over to the Windows
NT version (or vice versa)and simply copy the data-
base files from one version to the other. All mailbox
configurations (messages, timers, etc.), will have the
same programming as in the other version.
Windows NT PC
Because the new Windows NT-based PC is somewhat
similar in design and function to the original
OS/2-based PC, only the differences are noted in this
addendum. For all other specification and installation
information, refer to the Issue 4 AXXESS Installation
and Field Maintenance Manual.
The part numbers forthe new system are as follows:
NT PC Upgrade Unit 550.5220
NT 4-Port PC 550.5221
NT 8-Port PC 550.5222
NT 12-Port PC 550.5223
NT 16-Port PC 550.5224
NT 24-Port PC 550.5225
NT 32-Port PC 550.5226
NOTE: Installersmust provide Inter-Telwith proof of
Windows NT certification to purchase the new voice
mail PC or to receive Technical Support assistance.
The Windows NT-based AXXESSORY Talk PC is
equipped with the followingitems:
•Microsoft Windows NT Workstation version 4.0
operatingsystem software (equipped with Service
Pack 3)
•Pentium 133MHz (or higher) microprocessor
•32MB (or more) RAM
•1.2GB (or larger) hard disk drive
•3.5-inch (1.44MB) double-sided/high-density
floppy disk drive
•Network Interface Card
•Standard VGA monitor, keyboard, and mouse
The Network Interface Card (NIC)is a specially de-
signed network communications processor card that
can transfer data packets bet ween the AXXESSORY
Talk PC and a Local Area Network(LAN).
The RJ45 connector on the Network Interface Card
connectsto the LAN via a customer-providedstandard
network interface cable.
Hardware Installation
The chassis and motherboard used in the NT-based PC
are slightly different than the chassis and motherboard
used in the OS/2-based PC. See Figures 3 and 4 on
pages 21 and 22 for sample diagrams. For all other
hardware installation information, refer to the Issue4
Windows NT Installation
The NT-based AXXESSORY Talk PC is shipped with
Windows NT Workstation (version 4.0 with Service
Pack3) already i nstalledand properly set up. If neces-
sary,Windows NT can be re-installed using the instruc-
tionsoutlined in Microsoft’s installation manual, while
observing the items listedbelow:
•Use FAT file allocation ratherthan NTFS