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Non-Facility Associated Signaling (NFAS): When a
siteuses several Primary Rate Interface circuits,the D-
channel on one circuit can support the B-channels on
other circuits, providing one additional B-channel per
circuit (that is, 24 B-channels instead of 23B+D). This
is called Non-Facility Associated Signaling or NFAS.
Thisarrangement also requires D-channel backup. This
is not supported in AXXESS version 4.X software.
On-Demand B-Channel Selection: This feature al-
lowson-demand allocation of B-channels. Withon-de-
mand B-channel selection,all B-channel trunks can be
assignedto one trunk group and thenprogrammed to be
usedas needed (ARS, outgoing access, etc.). This fea-
ture takes full advantag e of the AXXESS System fea-
tures (trunk groups, ARS,and call routing) and allows
maximum on-demand use of the bandwidth. This can
be combined with Dedicated Service.
Primary Rate Interface (PRI): This is the ISDN cir-
cuitthat provides B-channels that can carry voice, data,
andvideo simultaneously. It also has one D-channel for
out-of-band signaling and packet data. (NOTE: The
AXXESS System does not support the use of the D-
channel for packet data.) See also 23B+D and 30B+D.
Primary Rate Interface Nodal/Centrex Express:
This service type allows communication between a
PBX system and a Centrex system. This is not sup-
ported in AXXESS version4.X software.
Private Line Integration: This allows the system to
have private lines using individual channels. The D-
channelis not used on the private lines. Thisis notsup-
ported in AXXESS version4.X software.
Switched Digital Services:Switched digital services
provide ISDNover a single telephone line by combin-
ing several B-channels into a single bit stream.
Switcheddigital service types include H0, H11, Multi-
rate,and N X64 kbps. This is not supported inAXXESS
version 4.X software.
Two-Stage Caller Identification (*ANI*DNIS*):
This is a two-stage address service that provides both
thecaller’s telephone number and the dialed number. It
combines the *ANI* and the *DNIS* features de-
scribed above.
User-To-User Information (UUI): This type of ISDN
service allowstwo users to share and manipulate data
over the D-channelwhile maintaining a voice connec-
tionon a B-channel. For example, both parties canview
the same document, discuss it, edit it and see the
changesas they are made. This is not supported in AX-
XESS version 4.X software.
Wide Area Automatic Call Distribution (ACD):
Like the AXXESS ACD feature, this service can dis-
tribute calls to provide faster service. However, Wide
AreaACD allows the calls to be sent to other PBXs in
the network. This is not supported in AXXESS version
4.X software.