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Primary Rate T1 ServicePrimary Rate T1 service is already described in the
Issue 4 manual. (See pages 2–22, 3–68, 4–21, 4–22,
6–138, 6–139, 6–143, 6–252, 6–262, 7–4, and 8–3.)
However,the following additional information maybe
helpfulin installing and programming Primary Rate T1
Ont he AXXESS System, primary rate T1 service must
be 23B+D. Primary Rate service isavailable only on
AXXESS Systems equipped withCPU020/PCM cards.
It cannot be used on systems with CPU/MEM cards.
NOTE:For version 4.1 and 4.2Software: For optimal
system performance, no more than four T1 Cards
shouldbe e quipped with PRIDaught er Cards. For ver-
sion4.3 Software: For optimal system performance, no
more than six T1 Cards should be equipped with PRI
Daughter Cards.
Theavailable ISDN services are shown inthe chart be-
low.They are divided into two categories: services sup-
portedby AXXE SS and unsupported services. If the B-
channel trunks provide an unsupported service, the
systemwill still function properly. However, it will not
make use of the service.
•Automatic Number
Identification (ANI)
•B-Channel Negoti-
•On-Demand B-Chan-
nel Selection
•Dialed Number Iden-
tification Service
•Calling Party Number
•D-Channel Backup
•Flexible Billing
•Network Ring Again
•Non-Facility Associ-
ated Signaling
•Primary Rate Inter-
face Nodal/Centrex
•PRI & Private Line
•Switched Digital Ser-
•User-To-User Infor-
•AT&T Call-By-Call
Service Selection
The AXXESS System is designed to support only
AT&T4ESS, AT&T 5ESS (not 5ESS National ISDN),
andDMS-100/250 switch types. No other switch types
are currently supported by the AXXESS system.
NOTE:Primary Rate trunks that are not subject totoll
restriction will not return dial tone. This is because
these unrestricted trunks are treated as if they are con-
nectedto another AXXESS System. Therefore, no dial
toneis provided, no digits are collected, and the setup is
Whenordering Primary Rate Interface services, refer to
thefollowing chart forthe information your carrier will
need to know:
Protocol Custom ISDN only (we do not
support National ISDN)
Signaling Clear Channel 64Kbs
Framing ESF
Coding B8ZS
Jack Type RJ48C
Data Normal (not inverted)
Glare CPE Yields on Incoming Calls
Somecommon terms associated with Primary Rate and
ISDN include thefollowing:
2B+D: A 2B+D circuit is divided into two 64 kbps B-
channelsthat can carry voice, video, or data. It also has
a 16 kbps D-channelfor low-speed data and signaling.
Thereare two types of 2B+D interfaces that use differ-
ent wiring:the “U” interface uses a single twisted pair
and the “S/T” interface uses two twisted pairs. This is
alsoreferred toas “Ba sic Rate Interface (BRI).” This is
not supported in AXXESS version 4.X software.
23B+D:A 23B+D circuit isdivided into 23 B-channe ls
(64 kbps each) thatcan carry voice, data, and video si-
multaneously. It also has a 64 kbps D-channel for out-
of-band signaling, call control, and packet data.
(NOTE: The AXXESS System does not support the
use of the D-channel for packetdata.). This interface
uses two twisted-pairsof wire. This is also referred to
as “Primary Rate Interface (PRI).”
30B+D:This is the standard European ISDNinterface.
A 30B+D circuit is divided into 30 B-channels (64
kbps) that can carry voice, data, and video simulta-
neously. It also has a 64 kbps D-channel for out-of-
bandsignaling and call control, and one framing chan-
nel. This interface uses two twisted-pairsof wire.