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E-MAIL ADDRESS: Thisfield specifies the AXXE S-
SORYTalk’s E-mail address. It is only required if the
E-mail System field is programmed to SMTP/POP3.
When the voice mail PC sends an Internet mail mes-
sage, this address will be usedas the E-mail addressin
the “Reply-To” fieldof the E-mail header. This is the
addressat which the voice mail PC will receive Internet
mailmessages. This field can contain up to 127 charac-
tersand it is empty by default. For example, whenusing
Internetmail, this field might look like johndoe@inter-
E-MAIL REAL NAME: This field specifies the AX-
XESSORY Talk’s user name (such as VOICE MAIL).
It is only programmable if the E-mail System fieldis
programmed to SMTP/POP3 and it is optional. When
the voicemail PC sends an Internet mail message, this
namewill be included in the FROM field of the E-mail
header.This field can contain up to 127 characters, and
it is empty by default.
E-MAIL USERNAME: This field specifies the user-
name for the voice mail PC’s E-mail account.Before
thevoice mail PC can send or receive E-mail messages,
it must log on to the underlying E-mail system.There-
fore, the voice mail PC must have an account onthe
customer’s E-mail system, and this field specifies the
username for thataccount. T hisfield can contain up to
127 characters and it is empty by default.
E-MAIL SMTP SERVER: This field specifies the
AXXESSORYTalk’s SMTP mail server. It is only pro-
grammable if the E-mail System field is programmed
to SMTP/POP3. The SMTP mail server is the server
that the voice mail PC connects to in order to send
E-mail messagesover the Internet. This field can con-
tain up to 127 characters and it is empty bydefault.
E-MAIL POP SERVER: This field specifies the POP
mail server that will be used to receive E-mail mes-
sages. It is only programmable if the E-mail System
field is programmed to SMTP/POP3. The POP mail
server is the server the voice mail PC connects to in
order to send E-mail messages through the Internet.
This field can contain up to 127 charactersand it is
empty by default.
specifiesthe E-mail address of the System Administra-
tor.Whenever an E-mail message is undeliverable (due
to invalid or wrongE-mail address,etc.) it will be for-
wardedto this address. Or, if a user attempts to reply to
a VisualMail E-mail message,the message will go to
thisaddress instead of going to the AXXE SSORY Talk
PC.This field can contain up to 127 charactersand it is
emptyby default. NOTE: Even though this field is not
required, Inter-Tel strongly recommends that youpro-
videan E-mail addressto forward any E-mail received
by the AXXESSORY Talk PC. It will alert the Admin-
istrator to any problem with the E-mail addresses.
PASSWORD: This system-wide field specifies the
passwordfor the voice mail PC’s E-mail account. Be-
forethe voice mail PC can send or receive E-mail mes-
sages, it must log on to the underlying E-mail system.
Therefore, the voice mail PC musthave an account on
the customer’s E-mail system, and this field specifies
thepassword for that account. This field can contain up
to 40 characters and it is empty by default.