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Automatic Call Number Identification (ANI): Auto-
matic Numbering Identification (ANI) information
identifiesthe caller’s telephone number. The system re-
ceives a specified number of digits. *ANI* is another
typeof ANI that does not require a specified number of
digits. The system receives a star (*) before the ANI
digits to signal the beginning of the caller’s telephone
number. Then there is another star after the digits to
signal the end of the ANI information.
B-Channel: The B-channel,or “bearer” channel, is the
basic component of ISDNinterfaces. A B-channel can
transmitor receive voice or data at up to 64,000 bits per
second (64 kbps).
B-Channel Negotiation: This allows the AXXESS
Systemto request the channel that will be usedfor each
call.When the AXXE SS System requests a specific B-
channel for an outgoing call, the network decides
which channel will be used. However,if the channel
selected by the network is not the requested channel,
the AXXESS System will release that channel (if
seized) and attempt to re-initiate the call using the
channel specified by the network. (For an incoming
call, the AXXESS System does need to request a
Bandwidth: The bandwidthof a device determines the
frequency range it can handle. Different types of com-
munications use different bandwidths. For example,
telephone communication requires a relatively narrow
bandwidth, while video requires a wide bandwidth.
Basic Rate Interface (BRI): Also called 2B+D, BRI
provides two 64 kbps B-channels that can carry voice
ordata and a 16kbps D-channel for low-speed data and
signaling.This can be used for homes and Centrexsites
that do not require PRI. This is not supported in AX-
XESS version 4.X software.
CallingParty Number Service: This service provides
the calling party’s line number (not billing number) to
the called party. This isnot supported in AXXESS ver-
sion 4.X software.
D-Channel: The data channel, or D-channel, carries
thesignaling information at 64 kbps for the B-channels
ina Primary Rate Interface or at 16 kbps in a Basic Rate
D-Channel Backup: Because the D-channel supports
the other channels in the ISDN network, loss of the D-
channel would cause loss of access to the ISDN cir-
cuits. D-channelscan be backed up to provide protec-
tion in the event of D-channel loss. D-channel backup
is especially important in Non-Facility Associated
Signaling(NFAS), because the D-channel supports all
ofthe B-cha nnels in the entire network. This is not sup-
ported in AXXESS version4.X software.
DedicatedService: Dedicated service reserves a group
of B channels for a specific function, such as outgoing
calls. TheAXXE SS system uses trunk group program-
ming to determine how thechannels are used. There-
fore, the system would require a separate trunk group
for each function. The installer can create “PBX-pro-
vided” dedicated service on call-by-call circuits
throughdatabase programming (suchas incoming only
or accessible only to a group of users) or the service
provider can determine the dedicated service.
Dialed Number Identification Ser vice (DNIS): DNIS
identifies the number that the caller dialed to reach
yourlocation. The system receives a base number and a
specifiednumber of digits that identify the dialed num-
ber. *DNIS* is a form of DNIS that does not have a
specified numberof digits. The system receives a star
(*)before the DNIS digits to signal the be ginning of the
dialednumber. Then there is another star after the dig-
its to signal the end of the DNIS information.
Flexible Billing: Flexible billing allows a 900 sub-
scriber to modify a call’s billingrate while speaking
with the caller. This is not supported in AXXESS ver-
sion 4.X software.
H0 and H11: These are switcheddigital service types
that combine contiguous B-channels into a single bit
stream. H0 combines six channels into a 384 kbps bit
stream.H11 combines 24 channels into a1536 kbpsbit
stream. Applications for these services includevideo
conferencing and LAN connections. This is not sup-
ported in AXXESS version4.X software.
Integrated ServicesDigital Network (ISDN): ISDN
isa network of channels that can provide simultaneous
voice, data, and video communication.
Multi-Rate ISDN: This type of switched digital ser-
viceallows the user to dial up, on demand, any number
of combined B-channels.This is not supported in AX-
XESS version 4.X software.
N X 64 kbps: This switched digital service type com-
binesthe B-channels into a single bit stream. Applica-
tions for this service include video conferencing and
LAN connections. This is not supported in AXXESS
version 4.X software.
Network Ring Again: Network ring again islike the
AXXESSque ue feature that allowsa caller to queue on
to a busystation and then be called when the station is
available.However, network ring again allowsqueuing
betweentwo PBXs that are onthe same ISDN network.
Thisis not supported in AXXESS version 4.X software.