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AXXESSORY Talk VisualMailThis is available in the AXXESSORY Talk NT version
only. AXXESSORY Talk VisualMail is a feature that
providest he first step to linking Inter-Tel’s NT version
of AXXESSORY Talk voice mail with E-mail. AX-
XESSORY Talk VisualMail provides users the ability
to receive a voicemail message as an E-mail message
witha voice attachment. The voice attachment will be
in the form of a “wave” (.wav) file that can be played
onany compute r equipped with a sound card, speakers,
and multimedia software (such as Sound Recorder).
Whena mailbox receives a voice mail message or uses
the voice mail Record-A-Call feature, one of three
things can occur, depending on how the mailbox’s
VisualMail field is programmed.
•If the field is programmed to DISABLED, the
voice mail or Record-A-Callmessage is delivered
tothe mailbox just as normal and noE-mail is sent.
•If the field is programmed to FORWARDONLY,
theAXXESSOR Y Talk willconvert the voicemail
or Record-A-Call message to an 8-bit WAV file,
buildan E-mail message, attach the WAV file, and
sendthe E-mail message to the address specified in
the mailbox’s E-mail Address field. Once the E-
mail messageis sent, the original message will be
deleted from the mailbox. (If the E-mail message
cannotbe delivered to the specifiedaddress, it will
be stored asa voice mail message in the mailbox
and will not be deleted.)NOTE: If VisualMail is
programmed for FORWARDONLY, the mailbox
cannot use the Remote Notification feature. Be-
causeall messages are automatically sent to the E-
mail address, there is no voice mail message to
trigger the Remote notification.
•Ifthe mailbox’s VisualMail field is programmed to
COPY & FORWARD,the voice mail or Record-
A-Call messagewill be stored in the mailbox and
the AXXESSORY Talk will convert the file to
WAV,attach it to an E-mail message, and deliver
the E-mail messageto the address specified in the
mailbox’s E-mail Address field.
NOTE: Due to thenature of network connections, the
AXXESSORY Talk software is designed to handle a
networkfailure gracefully. If the network link from the
AXXESSORY Talk to the E-mail serveris down, AX-
XESSORY Talk will store themessages in a queue. If
the networkdoes not come back up in 15 minutes, the
AXXESSORY Talk will deliver all pending messages
in the queue back to the voice mailboxes and tempo-
rarily disable the E-mail queue until the networkis
available.This means that new messages will remain in
themailboxes and will not be converted to E-mail mes-
sages until the network link is restored.
AXXESSORYTalk VisualMail is a “one-way” feature.
That is, the user cannot reply to the sender of a voice
mail message usingE-mail. If a user attempts to reply,
the messagewill be sent to the Administrator’s E-mail
Addressinstead of to the sender of the voice mail mes-
sage. The user should forward the message or send a
new message instead of replying.
E-mail messages containing WAV files can be for-
wardedto other E-mail addresses or stored on the com-
puter’slocal drive, just like any other E-mail message.
Or, the WAV file can be detached from the message
and stored on the computer.
E-mail System Requirements
To use this new feature, the customer musthave an
existingE-mail system based on Message Application
Programming Interface (MAPI), Vendor Independent
Messaging (VIM), or Simple Mail Transport Protocol/
Post OfficeProtocol (SMTP/POP3). The following list
shows the E-mail systems that are supported, and the
protocols on which they are based.
•Microsoft Mail or Microsoft Exchange ( MAPI)
•cc:Mail or Lotus Notes (VIM)
•Internet mail (SMTP/POP3)
NOTE: Be sure the AXXESSORY Talk PC has Win-
dows NT 4.0 ServicePack 3 installed.
The AXXESSORY Talk VisualMail feature requires
that the AXXESSORY Talk PC is able to communicate
withthe customer’s E-mail system through the custom-
er’s TCP/IP network (such as a LAN). This requires a
network interface card in the AXXESSORY Talk PC.
Since each customer’s network canbe different, the
customer’s network administrator should be responsi-
ble for configuring the network interface card in the
AXXESSORY Talk PC as well as the network settings
in Windows NT. (Note that the AXXESSORY Talk
software will use TCP/IP protocol, therefore the cus-
tomer’s network must support this protocol.)
The Windows NT networking should be properly con-
figured for the customer’s network and the underlying
E-mail system that willbe used by the AXXESSORY
Talk VisualMailPC must also be configured properly.
Due to the various configuration areas, the processre-
quires participation and coordination between the cus-
tomer’s networkor MIS personnel, the voice mail ad-
ministrator, and the voice mail installer/programmer.