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Microsoft Exchange(MAPI) Setup
Use the following procedures to set up VisualMail us-
ing Microsoft Exchange (a MAPI E-mail system).
NOTE: Be sure the AXXESSORY Talk PC has Win-
dows NT 4.0 ServicePack 3 installed.
Perform these procedures from the Administrator ac-
count on the AXXESSORY Talk PC.
(1) Add the Network Account to the Administrator
group on the AXXESSORY Talk PC. This is
necessary for the account to have access tothe
Exchange profile stored in the Windows NT
(2) Run Exchange’s Setup.exe.
(3) When asked to type in your full name, use the
name ofthe mailbox that AXXESSOR Y Talk’s
VisualMailwill use as its connection to the ser-
ver. This needs to be the same as the network
logon account name.
(4) Selectthe OK button for this screen and for each
of the next two screens.
(5) Choose Typical installation.
(6) After the installationends, place the cursor on
the Inbox desktop icon and click the right but-
ton. Then select “Properties” from the pop-up
(7) Selectthe Add button to start Exchange’s Setup
Wizard to create a profile.
(8) Verify that the Microsoft Exchange Server in-
formation service is selected, then select the
Next button.
(9) Type in the name of the Microsoft Exchange
(10) Verify the name of the VisualMail’s mailbox.
(11) Select the Next button for this screen and for
each of the next three screens.
(12) At the conclusion screen, select the Finish but-
(13) After the Setup Wizard concludes, verify that
the profile you just created hast hename of the
VisualMailaccount and that it is indicated as the
default profile.
(14) Select the Close button to exit.
(15) Run the program copy_profile.exe to copy the
newly created profile into an area of the Win-
dows NT Registry used by Exchange when
startedfrom the VisualMail. This program must
be run whenevert here isa change to the profile
or to the selection of the default profile in this
Propertiesdialog. (Like Setup.exe, this program
can be run from the Windows NT Explorer,
from the Start menu’s Run selection, or from a
command shell.)
Lotus Notes (VIM) Special Setup
When using Lotus Notes (a VIM E-mail system),in-
cludethe directory where Lotus Notesis installed in the
Path System Variables. To do this, in Control Panel,
open System and select the Environment tab. thense-
lect the Path variable from the System Variables list
and enter the Lotus Notes directory in the Value text
box. Select OKto close System. The Path will take ef-
fect the next time the PC is rebooted.
SMTP/POP3 Special Setup
When VisualMail is configured for SMTP/POP3, you
mustprogram the E-mail Real Name field as described
on page 28. However, the VisualMail must not be
logged on to the SMTP/POP3 E-mail service.
This is because when the VisualMail logs on to the
SMTP/POP3 server, the E-mail Real Name appears as
the sender. Onceit is logged in, programming changes
tothe E-mail Real Name will not take effect until Visu-
alMaillogs out and back in again. The best way to log
out is to change the E-mail System to “None,” update
the database.Wait at least 3 minutes to allow the data-
baseupdate to take effect. Then changethe E-mail Sys-
tem back to “SMTP/POP3” and update again. Visual-
Mail will log back into the E-mail server.