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Automatic Fax Detection
This is available in the AXXESSORY Talk NT version
only.With Automatic Fax Detection, Call Routing An-
nouncement applications and mailboxes can be pro-
grammedto automatically route incoming fax calls to a
specified extension or to an E-mail address.
If the feature is enabled, the mailbox or CallRouting
Announcement Application will automatically listen
for fax tone.
Amailbox will listen for fax tones during the mail-
box greeting and while a message is being re-
corded. If the mailbox detects fax tones, the call
will be transferred to the specified extension or
E-mailaddress. If the tones are detected after a re-
cording has started, the call will be disconnected.
Call Routing Applications will be able to detect
fax tones during the greeting and up to time-out.
The fax tone detectionwill also be disabled if the
caller performs an action that removes them from
theCall Routing Announcement (transferring to an
extension, transferring to a mailbox, etc.).
Thisfeature is enabled in database programming. It can
be programmed using the “User” password. However,
it cannot be changed through the mailboxes.
AXXESSORY Talk VisualMail Required
To send faxes to an E-mail address, the AXXESSORY
Talk VisualMail feature, described on page 24, must
alsobe enabled. Refer to the description of that feature
for E-mail system requirements and programming in-
structions. Note that programming a mailbox Fax
E-mail Address counts as one user, as described in the
Software Key sectionon page 25.
Fax Card Required
To sendand receive faxes, the AXXESSORY Talk PC
musthave a fax card installed. This canbe the same fax
card that supports the Fax On Demand feature. The
softwarewil l supportup to eight fax ports. See page 33
formore information on allocating fax ports for theAu-
tomatic Fax Detection and Fax OnDemand features.
Programming Call Routing Announcements And
Both Call Routing Announcements and voice mail-
boxesnow have two new fields. The affected program-
ming screens are shown on the next page.
FaxDestination: This field, if programmed, spec-
ifiesthe extension of the fax machine that will re-
ceive incoming faxes.
Fax E-mail Address: This field, if programmed,
specifies the E-mail Address of the account that
will receive incoming faxes. The fax is converted
to a TIFFfile and sent to the E-mail address as an
attachedfile. The address can be up to 127 charac-
ters.To view a message, use any TIFF file viewer
(such as Imaging for Windows).
If only the Fax Destination field is programmed, the
AXXESSORY Talk performs a blind transfer to send
the fax to the programmed extension, allowing the fax
machine to process the incoming fax.
Ifthe Fax E-mail Address field is programmed, thedisk
isnot full, and the AXXESSORY Talk has an available
faxport to receive the incoming fax, the AXXESSORY
Talk receives the fax and stores the image in TIFF
Class F format. If the AXXESSORY Talk cannot re-
ceivethe fax because the disk is full or the fax ports are
busy, the fax is transferredto the Fax Destination ex-
tension. If the Fax Destinationi snot programmed, the
AXXESSORY Talk disconnects the call (because it
cannot process the incoming fax).
If the disk becomes full while the AXXESSOR YTalk
is receiving the fax, the AXXESSORY Talk discon-
nectsthe call anddeletes the portion of the faxreceived
tot hat point. If the AXXESSORY Talk receives the fax
successfully,it disconnects the call and places the re-
ceived fax in a queue to be delivered toE-mail. The
AXXESSORY Talk processesthe fax queue and deliv-
ersthe fax images to the appropriate destinationE-mail
accounts in the order they were received.
E-mail Message Format
The E-mail message sent bythe voice mail will have
the following components:
To:The TO line will contain the recipient’sE-mail
From:The FROM line will contain the E-mail ad-
dress of the AXXESSORY Talk. If an E-mail Real
Name has been programmed for the AXXESSO-
RY Talk, it will also be shown onthis line.
Subject: The SUBJECT line will contain the line
“Faxreceived from <source>.” The source will be
the Call RoutingApplication number or the mail-
boxnumber from where the fax is received, for ex-
ample: CRA 2505 or MB 1000.
Received On: The RECEIVEDON line contains
the date and time that fax wasreceived.
FAX.TIF file attachment: The file attachment
will appear as a file with the name FAX.T IF. To
viewthe fax, the user must display the TIF file us-
ing graphics software.