Chapter 5
Quality of Service
Quality of Service features allow you to allocate network resources to
The following topics are discussed in this chapter:
QoS Overview on page 51
Using ACL Filters on page 52
Using Storm Control Filters on page 59
Using DSCP Values to Provide QoS on page 60
Using 802.1p Priority to Provide QoS on page 63
Queuing and Scheduling on page 64
QoS Overview
QoS helps you allocate guaranteed bandwidth to the critical applications, and limit bandwidth for less critical applications. Applications such as video and voice must have a certain amount of bandwidth to work correctly; using QoS, you can provide that bandwidth when necessary. Also, you can put a high priority on applications that are sensitive to timing out or that cannot tolerate delay, by assigning their traffic to a
By assigning QoS levels to traffic flows on your network, you can ensure that network resources are allocated where they are needed most. QoS features allow you to prioritize network traffic, thereby providing better service for selected applications.
Figure 11 on page 52 shows the basic QoS model used by the switch.
QoS Overview 51