0After deleting is complete, tap “OK”.
0To cancel the deletion, tap “QUIT”.
Memo :
0Files that are protected cannot be deleted. Release protection before deleting the file.
“Protecting Files” (A p. 58)
Protecting Files
Prevent important videos/still images from being deleted accidently by protecting them.
“Protecting/Releasing Protection of the Currently Displayed File” (A p. 58)
“Protecting/Releasing Protection of Selected Files” (A p. 58)
Caution :
0When the recording media is formatted, even the protected files will be deleted.
Protecting/Releasing Protection of the Currently Displayed File
Protects or releases protection of the currently displayed file.
1Tap “MENU”.
3Tap “YES”.
0Tap h / g to select the previous or next file.
0After setting, tap “OK”.
Protecting/Releasing Protection of Selected Files
Protects or releases protection of the selected files.
1Select video or still image mode.
2Tap L to select the playback mode.