After you complete the above procedures, use PHDISK to create a save to disk partition:
1.Turn off the computer, remove your old hard drive, and insert the new one into your computer. (See “Using the Hard Drive” on page 34 for instructions.)
2.If you have a
3.Insert the startup disk for your operating system into the floppy drive and start your computer.
4.After your system boots, remove the startup disk from the floppy drive and insert the PHDISK disk.
5.At the A: prompt, type:
phdisk /c 135168 /p
and then press <Enter>.
PHDISK automatically creates a save to disk partition of the maximum size for your computer.
When the save to disk partition has been created, the following message appears:
Save to disk partition created successfully
6.Remove the PHDISK floppy disk from the floppy drive and insert the startup disk.
7.Use the FDISK utility in DOS to create user partitions on your drive, and then restart your computer. Be careful not to delete the
8.Use the Format command to format the new partitions, and then restart your computer.
9.Remove the startup disk and turn off your computer.
Creating a Save to Disk Partition 65