You can name memory channels using up to 8 alphanumeric characters. When you recall a named memory channel, its name appears above the frequency. Names can be call signs, repeater names, cities, names of people, etc.

1Recall your desired memory channel.

2Press [MNU] to enter Menu mode.

73 Press [c]/ [d] to select “MEMORY (1–4–)”, then press [OK].

4Press [c]/ [d] to select “MEMORY NAME (1–4–4)”, then press [OK].

The display for entering a memory name appears and the first digit blinks.

5Turn the Tuning control to select the first digit.

You can enter alphanumeric characters and special ASCII characters.

6Press [a].

• The cursor moves to the next digit.

7Repeat steps 5 and 6 to enter up to 8 digits.

S￿w￿i￿t￿c￿h￿e￿s￿a￿m￿o￿n￿g￿t￿h￿e￿s￿e￿t￿s￿o￿f￿a￿l￿p￿h￿an￿￿u￿m￿e￿r￿i￿c￿ c￿h￿a￿r￿a￿c￿t￿e￿r￿s￿a￿n￿d￿s￿p￿e￿c￿i￿a￿l￿A￿S￿CI￿￿c￿h￿a￿r￿a￿c￿t￿e￿r￿s￿.￿











In￿s￿e￿r￿t￿s￿￿th￿e￿￿cu￿r￿￿en￿t￿l￿y￿￿ Cl￿e￿a￿r￿s￿￿al￿￿di￿g￿i￿t￿s￿￿an￿d￿￿ se￿l￿e￿c￿t￿e￿d￿￿ch￿a￿r￿a￿c￿t￿e￿r￿.￿￿ (￿l￿e￿f￿t￿B￿A￿N￿D￿re￿t￿u￿rn￿￿￿s￿th￿e￿￿cu￿r￿s￿o￿r￿￿t￿o￿

S￿E￿L￿)￿ th￿e￿￿fi￿￿rs￿t￿￿di￿g￿i￿t￿.￿￿

8Press [OK] to complete the setting.

9Press [MNU] to exit Menu mode.

The keypad on the MC-58DM can also be used to enter alphanumeric characters in step 5. Refer to page 18.


You can also name the Program Scan {page 50} and DTMF {page 58} channels, but you cannot name the Call channel {page 37}.

You can assign names only to memory channels in which you have stored frequencies and related data.

The stored names can be overwritten by repeating steps 1 to 9.

The stored names also are erased by clearing memory channels.


Page 42
Image 42
Kenwood TM-V708A instruction manual Naming a Memory Channel, Turn the Tuning control to select the first digit, Press a

TM-V708A specifications

The Kenwood TM-V708A is a versatile and powerful dual-band transceiver that caters to amateur radio enthusiasts seeking advanced communication capabilities. Designed for operation in the 144 MHz and 440 MHz bands, this mobile radio provides exceptional performance in various modes, making it ideal for both casual users and serious operators alike.

One of the standout features of the TM-V708A is its ability to operate in both VHF and UHF frequencies simultaneous, enabling users to monitor multiple channels at once. With a powerful output of up to 50 watts on VHF and 35 watts on UHF, the TM-V708A ensures strong, clear signals that can reach distant stations. The user-friendly interface includes a large display that provides clear readings of the frequency and other operational parameters, enhancing the overall experience for operators.

The Kenwood TM-V708A is equipped with advanced digital signal processing (DSP) technology. This feature minimizes background noise, ensuring that voice communications remain crystal clear even in challenging conditions. The built-in CTCSS and DCS capabilities add further functionality, allowing for selective calling and improved privacy during conversations.

This transceiver comes with a wide range of operating modes. It supports FM, AM, and SSB, providing flexibility based on operator preference and environmental conditions. Furthermore, the inclusion of APRS (Automatic Packet Reporting System) capabilities allows for real-time tracking and position reporting, making it an excellent tool for emergencies and outdoor adventures.

Another notable characteristic is its built-in memory. The TM-V708A can store a substantial number of memory channels, allowing users to quickly access their preferred frequencies. Additionally, the dual-receive function permits the monitoring of two different frequencies simultaneously, providing seamless communication in dynamic environments.

For enhanced usability, the TM-V708A includes multiple connectivity options. It features a variety of ports for connecting external equipment, allowing operators to customize their setup according to their specific needs. The unit also balances robust performance with portability, making it suitable for both mobile and stationary use.

In summary, the Kenwood TM-V708A is a powerful and feature-rich transceiver that combines advanced technologies and user-friendly design. Its dual-band capabilities, robust power output, and extensive operational modes make it an invaluable tool for amateur radio operators seeking to enhance their communication experience. Whether for casual chatting or emergency response, the TM-V708A stands as a premier choice in the market.