5: Commands and Levels



priority normal

Sets X-Priority for email alerts to 3 (normal).

priority urgent

Sets X-Priority for email alerts to 1 (urgent).

priority very low

Sets X-Priority for email alerts to 5 (very low).

reply to <text>

Sets the Reply To address for email alerts.


<text> = email address to place in the Reply To field of the


email alert.


Sends an email using the current settings.

server port <number>

Sets the port used by the SMTP server.


<number> = port used for SMTP on the server side.


Displays the current configuration.

show history

Displays the last 20 commands entered during the current


CLI session.

show log

Displays the email log.

show statistics

Displays email statistics.

subject <text>

Sets the Subject for email alerts.


<text> = text to placed as the subject.

to <text>

Sets To addresses for email alerts.


<text> = a quoted, semicolon separated list of email ad-




Stores the current configuration in permanent memory.

enable (enable) level commands


auto show interfaces

Show interface statistics

auto show processes

Continuously show thread runtime information

clear interfaces counters

Zeros interface session counters


Clears the screen.


Enters the configuration level.


Show name and number for lines.

connect line <line>

Begin session on serial port.


Enters the CP Manager level.


Enters the device level.


Exits the enable level.


Enters the DNS level.

email <number>

Enters the configure email level.


Exit from the system


Enters the filesystem level.

kill ssh <session>

Kills SSH session with index from "show sessions"

kill telnet <session>

Kills Telnet session with index from "show sessions"

line <line>

Enters the line level.


<line> = number of the line (serial port) to be configured.


Enters the lpd level.

no clear interfaces counters

Unzeros interface session counters

ping <host>

Ping destination continuously with 5 second timeout

ping <host> <count>

Ping destination n times with 5 second timeout

ping <host> <count> <timeout>

Ping destination n times with x timeout (in seconds)

ppp <line>

Enters the serial line PPP level.


Reboot system

reload factory defaults

Reload factory defaults to permanent storage


Show system information

XPort Pro Command Reference


Page 64
Image 64
Lantronix 900-558 manual Enable enable level commands